Response to the Government's announcement of a 'new deal for carers'
In response to the Government's announcement of a 'new deal for carers', Sir Bert Massie, Chairman of the Disability Rights Commission, said:
In response to the Government's announcement of a 'new deal for carers', Sir Bert Massie, Chairman of the Disability Rights Commission, said:
Liberal Democrat Women and Equalities Spokesperson, Lorely Burt MP, today asked Women's Minister Meg Munn to expand the system of court diversion to prevent mentally ill people being sent to the hostile environment of prison.
Women with diabetes are not receiving enough support from the NHS before pregnancy, as services are "poor and uncoordinated", a report says. The Confidential Enquiry into Maternal and Child Health found many were not given advice about controlling their condition when trying to get pregnant. The study of 521 women's case notes found under 50% of them were taking the necessary nutritional supplements. The government said it was committed to reducing the risks during pregnancy.
Smoking cigarettes causes the same changes to the brain as using illicit drugs like cocaine, a study suggests.
Eating black soya beans could lower fat and cholesterol levels and may help prevent diabetes, a study suggests.
Scientists believe they have found evidence of a drug which alleviates the learning difficulties associated with Down's Syndrome. A Stanford University team in the US looked at a drug once tested as an epilepsy treatment in the 1950s.