Dundee LibDems back 4p cut in income tax
Dundee Liberal Democrats today (Tuesday 18th September) backed radical new tax plans that will drop the basic rate of income tax to its lowest level since 1916.
Dundee Liberal Democrats today (Tuesday 18th September) backed radical new tax plans that will drop the basic rate of income tax to its lowest level since 1916.
Conference this afternoon endorsed the Poverty and Inequality Policy Paper - Freedom from Poverty, Opportunity for All.
Conference this afternoon debated the subject of immigration. Conference agreed migration is a worldwide phenomenon that has always been part of human history, and immigration to Britain has been of enormous benefit to the economy and to society. However they also agreed the benefits of a liberal immigration policy can only be secured if the effort is made to plan for the impact and consequences of that policy. They further agreed a practical liberal approach to immigration should therefore focus on creating a system that works: efficient, fair and effective, planning for the effects of managed inward migration, promoting integration as well as immigration and that asylum policy is based on UK obligations under international conventions, and should be considered separately from policy on immigration.
Local MP Tim Farron, speaking yesterday in the tourism debate on the floor of the Liberal Democrat Party Conference in Brighton, has highlighted the vital link between farming and tourism. Mr Farron said that landscape is the foundation of our tourism industry and it is therefore essential to protect farming given that that landscape is maintained and managed by our farmers.
Local MP Tim Farron has called for a regionalised relaxation to the Foot and Mouth movement ban while chairing a fringe meeting at the Liberal Democrat party conference in Brighton. Tim was joined at the meeting by Peter Kendall (President, NFU), Dr Helen Phillips (CEO, Natural England) and Roger Williams MP (Liberal Democrat Rural Affairs Spokesman).
Conference, also today debated the Tax Reform Policy Paper - Reducing the Burden. After ten years of the current Labour Government the tax system remains unfair, with the bottom 20% of households paying a higher proportion of their income in taxes than the top 20% of households. Wealth inequality is now worse than at any time under Margaret Thatcher.