"I find it personally and politically very difficult indeed to support a war in which there is no mandate from the UN and no sense of legitimacy on the international stage."
"I find it personally and politically very difficult indeed to support a war in which there is no mandate from the UN and no sense of legitimacy on the international stage."
Liberal Democrats on Bedford Borough Council have proposed key changes they want to see to the cabinet's budget to introduce some good news. They branded the proposed budget as a catalogue of bad news for local people. Lib Dems argue that it fails to address key issues including the release of council reserves, provision of a coordinated transport and parking strategy and introduces new stealth taxes.
Lib Dem Councillors are backing the creation of a Town Council for Folkestone.
Lib Dem Councillors Terry Preston, Julie White and Shirley Maile are fighting to save the beaches in Dymchurch.
Local Lib Dem Maggie Barrett is campaigning to sort out the parking pressures in the West End of Folkestone.
Liberal Democrats are to present the Mayor with a petition, signed by over 900 local bus users, who are opposed to plans which could see the bus station moved out of the town centre.