Virus jab may help combat cancer
A vaccine for a common virus is being used to stimulate the body's immune system to attack cancer cells.
A vaccine for a common virus is being used to stimulate the body's immune system to attack cancer cells.
People with brain tumours may be offered one day surgery under local anaesthetic on the NHS. Patients remain awake throughout the procedure, which has been pioneered at University College Hospital, London.
Elevated levels of uric acid may be to blame for mini-strokes that potentially cause mental decline in ageing adults. Brain scans showed mini-strokes - white matter hypersensitivities (WMHs) - were more common among elderly patients with higher uric acid levels.
Scientists may have discovered a tangible benefit to leading a conscientious life - a reduced risk of Alzheimer's disease. The Rush University Medical Center in Chicago examined nearly 1,000 Catholic nuns, priests and brothers.
Post Office plans to axe 2,500 Post Offices by the end of 2008 came home to Folkestone and Hythe today as they announced the first 180 Post Offices to face closure. Of those, FIVE are in Folkestone and Hythe, adding to the TEN lost in the last 8 years.
A group of Folkestone Town Councillors have taken action to shame Shepway Council into maintaining and cleaning its litter bins in the centre of Folkestone. Despite repeated requests to Shepway Council, the stainless steel bins in the main pedestrianised shopping centre have not been properly cleaned seemingly since they were installed, and were covered in grime, cigarette ash, stickers and worse.