Dundonians urged to give their views on election problems
Dundee Liberal Democrats today (Wednesday 4th July) urged Dundonians to put forward their views on the problems surrounding the recent Scottish Elections.
Dundee Liberal Democrats today (Wednesday 4th July) urged Dundonians to put forward their views on the problems surrounding the recent Scottish Elections.
A charity for deaf people is warning that loud music in pubs and clubs is leading to a hearing loss "time bomb". The Royal National Institute for the Deaf (RNID) found that the hearing of about 70% of people who visited nightclubs was affected. The group is now calling on the Scottish Executive to introduce recommended noise exposure levels for revellers to prevent future damage. The study also found loud music damaged the ears of nearly 50% of pub goers.
People with epilepsy are three times more likely to commit suicide than the general population, research suggests. Danish researchers also found women with epilepsy were more likely to kill themselves than men with the condition. People diagnosed with epilepsy in the previous six months were at an even higher risk of committing suicide. The Lancet Neurology study said greater efforts were needed to control seizures, which could be stigmatising, and had many knock-on effects. The Aarhus University Hospital team studied 21,169 cases of suicide in Denmark between 1981 and 1997.
Thousands of young diabetics could be skipping insulin injections in order to lose weight, the BBC has learned. People with type 1 diabetes need daily injections to help them absorb glucose to use as fuel. Failure to take correct doses can lead to rapid weight loss.
The NHS must urgently address failings in dementia care if it is to cope with future demands, a watchdog has said. The number of people with dementia is expected to rise by a third in the next 15 years, but the National Audit Office said it was not enough of a priority. The report said England lagged behind other European countries over early diagnosis and access to drugs.
Local man Stephen Gilbert has been announced as the Lib Dem's choice to run for the new St Austell & Newquay seat in the next General Election - winning nearly three times as many votes as his closest rival.